Fit, Healthy, Happy

What Nourished You This Week?

May 21, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 307
Fit, Healthy, Happy
What Nourished You This Week?
Show Notes Transcript

A simple question to reflect on... what is something that nourished you this past week? 

For me, my answer is simple. I spent some time reading a really good book and just spending that time alone, reading a book made me feel good... it helped me unwind. 

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A simple question to reflect on... what is something that nourished you this past week? 

For me, my answer is simple. I spent some time reading a really good book and just spending that time alone, reading a book made me feel good... it helped me unwind. 

I find that when I asked myself a question like what helped nourish me this week, it gives me an opportunity to foster a sense of gratitude for the little things in my life that are warm and comforting and energizing, soothing, or even invigorating. 

It helps me live intentionally. 

At the same time, I also become more aware of how I can in little ways, add more nourishing activities to my daily life to get more of that good feeling on a regular basis. 

So I invite you to think about that one thing that nourished you this week. 

Maybe it was going on a walk. 

Catching up with a friend. 

Making a yummy meal. 

Think about how it made you feel. What impact it had on you in that moment and maybe in the minutes or hours, or even days after. 

Then consider this. How might you bring a little bit of that feeling and have that impact into your coming week? 

How might you expand upon that feeling of being nourished and experience more of it in the week ahead? 

Personally, I think I'm going to read at the beach next time. That feels like something that would really nourish my soul. 

What will you try this week? 

Move Well, Stay Healthy, Be Happy and Live Today with Passion and Purpose!