Fit, Healthy, Happy

Is Fear Stopping You?

June 14, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 334
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Is Fear Stopping You?
Show Notes Transcript

It's an interesting question. Does your body think it needs that excess fat to survive? Does your body think that it needs to have you depressed to survive.

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Is fear stopping you?

It's an interesting question. Does your body think it needs that excess fat to survive? Does your body think that it needs to have you depressed to survive.

Fear is such a motivating bottom line factor. Often we think we want things resolved, but we don't because we're afraid if they're resolved, we won't have protection. 

Chances are you're eating because your body is afraid that if you don't, you're going to have a heart attack, you're going to melt down... you're going to be sick, which is the exact opposite.

But if your body is in fear and it's scared to death and it's in that flight or fight mode, it's loading cortisol into your system and it's protecting you. 

Well, we need to get past that fear. 

We need to convince our bodies that it's okay. It's safe. I'm safe. 

That's where the tapping meditations come in really well.

They're great. As you tap on the Meridian points to assure yourself it's safe for me to let this go. 

It's safe for me to eat healthy. It's safe for me to do whatever the situation is. 

Something to think about. Something to, look into. And I just want the best for you. 

So if fear is stopping you, if it's an irrational fear... like, if I let this depression go, I'm not safe.

Then it's time to tap, meditate, whatever you have to do to let yourself know. 

Thank you, my body for protecting me. But it's okay. It's all right. To let this depression go, because I'm going to be just fine. 

Convince yourself of that and see what happens. 

So today, take some deep breaths, do some tapping, do some meditating, whatever you need to do to convince yourself that it's safe to turn things around.

Move well, stay healthy, be happy. Live with passion. Talk to your soon.