Fit, Healthy, Happy

Relax Into Inspiration

August 17, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 418
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Relax Into Inspiration
Show Notes Transcript

There are times... take this podcast for instance... there are times my brain just goes nuts. It's like, oh my God, what are you gonna talk about? You're already eight months, nine months into this and you come up with a little message every day and oh my God, I'm dreamed out, I can't think of anything...

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Relax into inspiration. There are times... take this podcast for instance... there are times my brain just goes nuts. It's like, oh my God, what are you gonna talk about? You're already eight months, nine months into this and you come up with a little message every day and oh my God, I'm dreamed out, I can't think of anything.

Well, I find the best way to get past that block is to stop saying that number one. And number two is to find relaxation, find a place I can just clear my mind, let it all go, and let the inspiration come.

You know what? It always does. It's amazing. 

For instance, this morning I got up and I'm all out of podcasts and I'm thinking, okay, I've got it scheduled through Monday. It's Sunday morning right now. What am I gonna do? 

I don't know. I finally said, okay, okay, David, you can, you know, sit here and think, think, think all you want to, but you're not gonna get that true inspiration, those nuggets that might move somebody to make some changes in their life that might make them actually start thinking about things a little bit differently. 

So I drove out to one of my favorite places in the world... many of you know, I call it my second office sometimes. Waikiki beach at Cape Disappointment State Park in Washington. 

I sat there and I'm like, yeah, I'm not even gonna record today. I'm just gonna chill. I'll figure out something on Monday for Tuesday.

As I'm sitting there an idea pops in my head. So I pick up my phone and I start recording. I go, well, that was okay. I can, I can use that one. I mean, sometimes I'm elegant in my inelegance. If that makes sense. 

I spit out thoughts in my head rather this scripted written out thing, I just talk from the heart. 

Well, I recorded one. I said, okay, that's allright. We'll save that and maybe use that for Tuesday. 

And then ideas start flooding into my head and I'm like, oh my God, I can't record these fast enough. So this is number 10 from this morning.

This is the 10th podcast recording. It's just things that I've lived, things that I can share with you to help you. I'm so thankful that these inspirations pop into my head. 

As they always say if I help one person, that's plenty, but I wanna help as many people as I possibly can. Cuz life doesn't have to be as hard as we make it.

So there's today's suggestion, relax into inspiration and watch the inspiration flow... and out of inspiration comes motivation. 


Move well, stay healthy, be happy. Live every day with passion. 

Talk to you tomorrow.