Fit, Healthy, Happy

Do You Actually Want To Lose Weight?

September 26, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 468
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Do You Actually Want To Lose Weight?
Show Notes Transcript

People get obsessed over weight loss and I'm not sure weight loss is what we're really looking for. Maybe if we obsess and think about nothing but weight loss, we're almost setting ourselves up for failure because what is weight loss, losing weight, getting to this ideal number supposedly.

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Is it weight loss or something else?

People get obsessed over weight loss and I'm not sure weight loss is what we're really looking for. Maybe if we obsess and think about nothing but weight loss, we're almost setting ourselves up for failure because what is weight loss, losing weight, getting to this ideal number supposedly.

Let me throw this out. Maybe we need fat loss. Maybe we need muscle gain, sometimes weight loss isn't the answer. Sometimes you need to gain muscle, which actually could increase weight because the bottom line is not weight loss. The bottom line is to feel better, to be healthy to as Spock would say live long and prosper.

Well, maybe if we don't get hung up on weight loss, and instead we're hung up on wanting to live long and prosper and letting that play out, however it will... muscle gain... You just want to get trim, attractive, healthy, and live a long fit, healthy, happy life.

So try a little bit of a mind shift... today, rather than thinking about I need to lose weight, think about, I need to do whatever it takes for me to live long and prosper. 

Okay? Give it a try. It's it's a thought, it's a thought I had first thing this morning that I wanted to share with you because it helps me.

Because the minute I say weight loss, I go, Ooh, that sounds hard. But the minute I say I want to thrive. That sounds like something I can do. 

Move well, stay healthy, be happy. And we will talk to you tomorrow and as always, I am looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.