Fit, Healthy, Happy

So Sad, So Disappointed

November 23, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 527
Fit, Healthy, Happy
So Sad, So Disappointed
Show Notes Transcript

I'm sitting in one of the most beautiful places on earth. This is the Cape Disappointment State Park. I'm in the parking lot of Waikiki Beach and the reason I'm writing to you is it's, it's a, it's an amazing rainforest. So why am I sad???

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Hi gang. I decided to do a podcast cuz I'm a little sad, I'm a little disappointed. 

I'm sitting in one of the most beautiful places on earth. This is the Cape Disappointment State Park. I'm in the parking lot of Waikiki Beach and the reason I'm writing to you is it's, it's a, it's an amazing rainforest.

As I'm driving here... it's only about four miles from our home... as I'm driving here this beautiful, beautiful, deep, lush plush rainforest. 

I go through it very slowly , the road, but as I was driving today, I saw this young couple walking down... there's a beautiful trail that goes alongside the road... and I slowed down, watched this young couple, I'd say mid thirties maybe, and they're walking along in this most beautiful place, one of the most beautiful places on earth.

They both are walking with their heads buried in their cell phone, scrolling? I don't know what they were doing. Facebook? Reading emails? Who knows? 

But my God, I implore you. Please, please, please, when you're in a happy place, when you're in a beautiful place, disconnect from the internet. 

I mean, we've got this amazing internet technology now where, uh, where we basically can, can access the internet almost anywhere.

Don't let that be a siren song. You know what? I guarantee you, whatever they were looking at, be it emails, be it a phone call, be it scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok... I guarantee you it was not that important. 

And I also guarantee you, if they had taken a deep breath and sucked in the beauty around them, oh my God, they would've, they wouldn't have known what to do. I mean, it was just unbelievable. 

So that's my message for today. Go ahead and disconnect from the internet every so often. Okay?

That's it. I'm gonna flip this around real quick thing and get an idea. As you can see, it's a beautiful spot, lighthouse up on the hill there, lots of driftwood. 

|So may you move well, stay healthy, be happy. Stay off the damn internet and I'll talk to you later.