Fit, Healthy, Happy

Are You 20 Happy?

December 05, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 538
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Are You 20 Happy?
Show Notes Transcript

It's a crazy story... 2 holes in one in a single round of golf? My dad can proudly claim that accomplishment. But how in the world did this lead me to getting Lasix Surgery?

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Are you 20 happy? What do I mean by 20 happy? Well, it's from... when I had my Lasix... 20 years ago. It's crazy that it's been that long. I ended up getting Lasix because of my dad. My dad went to Dr. Kawich and he hit two holes in one on his little golf course the next day. 

I mean, I've never had a single hole in one of my life and I've hit a lot of golf balls. But dad hit two holes in one in a single round. Those golfers among you will know, that's like unheard of. But it was two days after he got his LASIK surgery. 

I thought, you know, I'm so tired of eyeglasses. I'd fought with eyeglasses my whole life. I had fought with hard contact lenses. My eyes looked like they were bleeding. This was back in the days before soft contacts or maybe I was into soft contacts already, but I've always had sensitive eyes that way. 

So I went ahead and I got Lasix eye surgery. I found that the whole process is kind of weird, cuz they take a laser and peel back a flap on your eyelid and zap you. It only takes about 30 seconds per eye and it was crazy because when he was done, he said, all right, Dave set up. And I'm like, okay, okay. I'll set up. 

I set up and I looked at the clock and oh my God, a tear almost came to my eye because I had been nearsighted my entire life. So to have vision and be able to see was just amazing.

But that's not the point of the story. I'm not talking about Lasix eye surgery. I'm talking about 20 happy. Well, this is a lesson I learned from Dr. Kawich. 

went back a week later for my follow up exam. He asked, how you doing? And I said, I'm doing great, I see really, well, I'm just loving this so much. 

He said, great, let's test your eyes. I tested my eyes... I had one eye corrected for reading and one eye corrected for long distance. The reading eye was perfect. I don't remember the numbers on it, but the long distance eye was 20/40. 

Well, I heard all the hype about how 20/20 vision and maybe 20/15, and it turned out 2040 and I was kind of disappointed.

I was sullen like, well, does this mean it's gonna go south? 

He goes, oh, it's not going anywhere. It'll probably get better. Which it did over the years. It got to 20/30. Um, but that's beside the point. He said, you know, my goal is not to give you 20/10 or 20/15 or 20/20 vision. My goal is to give you 20 happy... to have eyesight that you can get without glasses That you're happy with. 

He said, are you happy? 

I said, oh my God, yes. At least... after the first week.

He said, then you're 20 happy. Success!! 

I just said, wow, that's, that's really good lessons. 

Here's where I tie it into you.

We're called real people fitness for a reason. 

We're not looking for six pack abs.

We're not looking for bulging muscles. 

We're not looking for steroid muscles. 

We're looking for 20 happy. 

Can you move well? 

Can you breathe deeply? 

Do you feel great getting up in the morning? 

If so, you're 20 happy... and that's what we're going for. 

We don't care if you're 20/80. We don't care if you're 20/40. 

You can equate this to your weight or whatever, but the goal is for you to be 20 happy. 

If you make that your goal, that's way easier than making a goal of squatting a thousand pounds or, or running a marathon or something like that. 

If your goal is to be 20 happy in your fitness and your health, that's achievable. 

That's achievable for everybody. 

That's my message today. Don't aim for 20/15. Don't aim for 20/20. Aim for 20 happy when it comes to your fitness and health.

And I guarantee you along with that, you will become 20 happy.