Fit, Healthy, Happy

Belly Breath???

December 07, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 549
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Belly Breath???
Show Notes Transcript

You can't actually breathe all of the way down to your belly, can you?

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All right, gang. Let's talk about belly breath. 

How often in a class do you hear Peggy, Kim, or myself say, take a nice deep breath all the way down to your belly. 

Are you one of those people that question that and say, well, you're lungs lung, go down to the bottom of your ribs. You can't breathe into your belly. 

Why would you have me breathe into my belly? 

Well, there is an explanation for that. 

Number one belly breathing allows you to fill up your lungs, but what actually happens... Your diaphragm is right at the bottom of your ribs. The diaphragm is the muscle controls your breathing. Your lungs do not have muscles. Your lungs are controlled by the muscles around them. 

Well the diaphragm is one of those muscles and the intercostal muscles on your ribs. But the diaphragm is probably the biggest control of your breathing. 

It's the one of the controls your breath. Well to completely fill up your lungs, your diaphragm has come down into your belly and then it makes your belly expand... as the muscle comes down and expands... the muscle goes all the way around. It's like a big umbrella.

So for those of you that challenge me and say, no, you can't breathe all the way down to your belly. Well, indeed you can actually, because the diaphragm, the muscle that moves down into your belly, making space in your ribs. So you can get a full long of air. 

Both lungs. That's important. Filling up your lungs, there is so much energy, there is so much power, there's so much strength, there's so much healing. In breathing deeply and slowly. 

So that's why we encourage you to belly breathe. And now hopefully that you understand the mechanics, you can do more belly breathing and not be all kerfuffled over... well, my lungs don't go down into my belly. 


All right. That's today's message. Take it. Use it. 

Breathe deeply, move well, stay healthy, be happy, live with passion and purpose and take nice long, slow, deep breaths, and watch how it'll change your life. I guarantee you.