Fit, Healthy, Happy

Create a Healthy Addiction

January 17, 2023 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 575
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Create a Healthy Addiction
Show Notes Transcript

Thinking about addictions... why not instead of creating bad addictions, create good addictions, good healthy habits, good habits, instead of bad habits. 

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Today I'm going to talk about creating healthy habits.

If you're an addictive personality like me, you're kind of lucky. It's easy to create addictive habits because most things you do in your life can become addictions. It's so easy. 

Thinking about addictions... why not instead of creating bad addictions, create good addictions, good healthy habits, good habits, instead of bad habits. 

It's so easy to get a bad habit like smoking or overeating or God knows what... But the habit I want to talk about this morning is a consistent daily practice. 

Would I like that to be our classes? Of course, our classes are designed to help you to move better and feel better, and we have found over the years that people that consistently do our classes a minimum of three to five times a week... feel better.

Some of the testimonials we've gotten... and get... are just mind blowing. "I didn't know I could feel this good at 80 years old." 

"My gosh, I'm turning 40 and I thought I was destined to a life of pain. But guess what? I'm not. And all I have to do is move."

There's some other things involved, movement is not just it.

You've gotta clean up your eating, and that's a subject for another day. Today we're talking about the daily movement habit. 

So I have a challenge for you. I think everybody can do this. 

We have classes anywhere from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. We have a couple classes that are in the 60 plus minute range, but let's keep it the 45 minute because simple is better. 

Don't over plan. Don't say, okay, I'm gonna do three hours of workouts a day. I'm going to run a marathon.

This is real people fitness. What most of us will do, the time most of us can carve out in our lives... and I'm sorry if you tell me you don't have 20 to 45 minutes a day that you can devote to your health and fitness, you need to reassess your life because it's there. The time is there. 

We have live classes. We have a full library on demand classes. 

Here's my challenge to you for the next 21 days, and I'm not talking Monday through Friday, I'm talking every day, seven days a week to take one of our classes, be it a 20 minute class... I don't care if you take from Peggy or you take from me, or you take from Kim, do a simple class every day for the next 21 days.

Why do I say 21 days?

It's proven it takes 21 days to create a new habit. 

So imagine, just give yourself a moment and think, okay, if I got in the habit where every day I did at least a 20 minute class, and this could be anything from a stretch stronger class to a butt and gut class .

20 minutes of just breathing, stretching. It counts. It all counts every bit because when you're stretching a muscle under contraction and you actually listen to what the instructor tells you to do and how they tell you to do it, you are going to reap the benefits. 

Even in a slow meditative style practice, you are still getting that movement. You're still getting that exercise, you're still getting that stretching, the strength building, the the deep muscle stretches that you're going to need for a long healthy happy life.

I talk about this all the time, we feel better than we did in our thirties.

Why? Because we've cleaned up our eating. We take deep breaths and we move every day. 

It's that simple. 

That's the formula. I just gave you all the secrets right there. Lots of little side things can be done. You can work with tune up balls and you can work with straps and you can do all kinds of different supplementation.

This one's not about food... for the next 21 days...

Come on, send me an email. 

I'm in! For the next 21 days I promise to myself that I'm going to do a 20 minute class every single day. 

That's my message for the day. 

So with that move well, stay healthy, be happy. Have an amazing day and I will talk to you next time.