Fit, Healthy, Happy

21 + 21 + 21 = Success

January 23, 2023 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs
Fit, Healthy, Happy
21 + 21 + 21 = Success
Show Notes Transcript

It's been a week. I wanted to check in and see how you were doing, so give me some feedback. Let me know if you're taking it... I've heard from a lot of people and they're saying it's really amazing once you get going, once you get the habit of doing a class every day that it's easy to do. It's really easy once it becomes a priority, once it's not a job. 

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Many of you have joined us in the journey of a 21 day challenge to create a brand new habit, a habit of moving every day of doing a class every day. 

So it's been a week. I wanted to check in and see how you were doing, so give me some feedback. Let me know if you're taking it... I've heard from a lot of people and they're saying it's really amazing once you get going, once you get the habit of doing a class every day that it's easy to do. It's really easy once it becomes a priority, once it's not a job. 

It's getting up and knowing it's something you need to do for you every single day. 

So two things. Number one, I want you to write to me and say, Hey Dave, I'm doing the challenge and it's going very well, or maybe I'm struggling and maybe I can help you out with some additional suggestions.

The other thing is, how about Sundays? Do you have to have a live class to, uh, continue on? If so, let me know and we could provide... maybe an 8:00 AM live class on Sunday mornings to help you get through this challenge. Maybe a half hour Sunday morning stretch, something like that. If you're interested in that, let me know.

We'd be more than happy to provide that. Probably not in studio to probably be broadcast from one of our homes.

That's basically it. If you haven't started the 21 Day Challenge. Jump in and do it now. And I love, love, love Donna, one of our longtime members. She said the best way to do this challenge to do 21 days and then do another 21 days, and then do another 21 days and do 21 days after that.

I think that's brilliant because if you just rinse and repeat, it becomes a lifelong habit. Next thing you know, you don't even think about it. You just know you're going to class today. 

So look forward to hearing from you, Don't forget the S... it's R I V E R S Z E 

With that move well, stay healthy, be happy, live with passion.. I'll talk to you tomorrow.