Fit, Healthy, Happy

Who Experiences The Most Success?

March 08, 2023 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Who Experiences The Most Success?
Show Notes Transcript

Who gets the best results? Who are the people that I've worked with over the years who become fit and healthy and move well every day and trim up and just feel good? 

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Who gets the best results? Who are the people that I've worked with over the years who become fit and healthy and move well every day and trim up and just feel good? 

They're the people that show up. It's that simple. There's no other secrets to it. 

These people show up every single day, those days when you get out of bed and you just don't want to do it. Or maybe you do an afternoon or evening practice and you come up with a million excuses to not go to class and you don't go. 

That is a prescription for failure. 

But if you do go... those people that say, you know what? I don't want to do this, but you go do it, because you know, in the end you're gonna have a good time. You're gonna enjoy it. 

Those are the people that have the greatest success. The people that just make a decision to do it, and they do it every day. Whether it's classes, whether it's a walk, whether it's a morning breathing session, whether it's meditation. You just show up and you do it. 

I think that might be the number one key to success.

You know, even as... you know, as far as the diet and the exercise and everything, the number one key to success is find things that work for you and just do it, period. 

That's today's message. Move well, stay healthy, be happy. Live with passion, purpose and happiness. Good God, just be happy. Talk to you soon.