Fit, Healthy, Happy

It's Serious Business Indeed!

April 04, 2024 Short Form Podcast by Dave Stevens
It's Serious Business Indeed!
Fit, Healthy, Happy
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Fit, Healthy, Happy
It's Serious Business Indeed!
Apr 04, 2024
Short Form Podcast by Dave Stevens

My good friend, Peter, always chastized me and would say, stop being funny, this is serious business Dave!

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Show Notes Transcript

My good friend, Peter, always chastized me and would say, stop being funny, this is serious business Dave!

Our unique program and expert guidance will help you regain flexibility, build strength, reduce stiffness, and overcome chronic aches and pains, so you can do the things you love without restriction. Let's really rock and roll... thanks to our generous supporters we are now offering our Ageless Vitality Membership Commercial Free at NO COST!
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This is serious business. 

Yeah. I used to hear that a lot from my, uh, old buddy from New York, Peter. 

And I'd be doing something and I tend to be a little bit irreverent and share a lot ...

and not just in classes, 

but just life in general. 

Sometimes I'd be working on some project or other and Peter would stop and say, 

Dave, this is serious business.

You need to knock that off. 

So we would go back and forth and...

I read an article the other day and it was published on April 1st. 

I don't know if the guy was serious or not. 

This is a guy I collaborate with 

he's been doing fitness for 40 years and I've been doing it for 15 

and we go back and forth a lot. 

We've both helped a lot of people. 

We feed off each other a lot. 

He wrote a big article that he published on April 1st. 

So I'm kind of hoping it was an April fools 

about anybody who tells you that fitness can be fun 

is lying to you because fitness is a grueling, hard business 

and if he is serious 

him and I part ways on this one.

Still he's amazing 

He's done some amazing things 

But his theory was that for fitness to be effective 

you have to be serious and focused and do things right. 

Well, to me, fitness is about motion 

and movement and feeling better 

and getting yourself in that spot where everything is just... 

I call it yummy.

Everything is yummy. 

You're moving well, 

you're feeling better, 

you're 70 years old 

and you embrace life 

and you love the world 

because guess what? 

You move better than you did at 40 or 50. 

To me, that's what fitness is all about. 

It's not about getting that ripped bod and posing in front of mirrors. 

Good God.

You know, if that's what you're into, 


But if you just want to be fit and healthy,

you can have some fun. 

I guarantee you. 

And don't worry. 

I am not going to turn our classes into a serious business. 

I'm not going to turn our podcasts into too serious of a business. 

They're serious matters we discuss, 

but you might as well have fun while we're discussing them.

And that's today's message. 

Let's have some fun 

and get fit together. 

Move well, 

stay healthy, 

be happy. 

Live every single day with a purpose and find your passion.