Fit, Healthy, Happy

Are You a Fitness Poser?

April 30, 2024 Short Form Podcast by Dave Stevens
Are You a Fitness Poser?
Fit, Healthy, Happy
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Fit, Healthy, Happy
Are You a Fitness Poser?
Apr 30, 2024
Short Form Podcast by Dave Stevens

Are you talking a big game about getting fit and healthier?

Our unique program and expert guidance will help you regain flexibility, build strength, reduce stiffness, and overcome chronic aches and pains, so you can do the things you love without restriction. Let's really rock and roll... thanks to our generous supporters we are now offering our Ageless Vitality Membership Commercial Free at NO COST!
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Show Notes Transcript

Are you talking a big game about getting fit and healthier?

Our unique program and expert guidance will help you regain flexibility, build strength, reduce stiffness, and overcome chronic aches and pains, so you can do the things you love without restriction. Let's really rock and roll... thanks to our generous supporters we are now offering our Ageless Vitality Membership Commercial Free at NO COST!
Click for more information

Let's cut straight to the chase, shall we? 

Are you talking a big game about getting fit and healthier? 

You know, that's nothing short of easy. 

You're posting gym selfies, sharing diet plans, flooding your social feed with

Hey, that's all well and good, but when it comes right down to it...

Are you actually putting in the work?

Or are you just playing a part? 

Here's the tough love. 

No amount of social media validation will get you the results you pretend to be after. 

You might fool your followers, even yourself for a while, but at the end of the day, those unspent fitness memberships and untouched running shoes tell the real story.

Let's face it, actions speak louder than posts. 

What is the problem here? 

Many get caught up in a loop of showing off without showing up. It's projecting an image, not about real change. 

If your fitness routine is more about gaining likes than breaking a sweat, 

You're stuck in a fantasy, not a transformation.

The Fear of failure, the invisible handbrake. 

Often what holds you back isn't just laziness, it's fear. 

Fear of failing publicly. If you don't start, you can't fail, right? 

Wrong. The true failure lies in never daring to begin. 

You might fear judgment or doubt your abilities. But never stepping up guarantees the very outcome you're afraid of, not reaching your goals. 

So stop the excuses. 

Getting fit and transforming your lifestyle isn't for the faint of heart. It demands more than talk. It requires grit, sweat, and even sometimes tears. 

Every excuse you make is a step away from your potential.

Every day you delay is a day you will never get back.

It's comfortable and safe to live in the world of tomorrow promises. But guess what? Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week and yet it's never here. 

So don't embrace those comfort zones. It's time to stop this charade. Get out of your comfort zone. Throw down the gauntlet for yourself. 

Start with real tangible steps. 

And no, I'm not talking about posting another inspirational quote or telling your buddies about your fitness goals.

I mean, getting up, going to that early morning class, passing on the junk food, pushing through one more rep and doing this consistently every single day.

Does that sting a bit? 


It means there's a part of you that knows you can do better. 

Harness that discomfort and let it drive you. Let it push you to be the person who not only looks like they work out, but one who actually does. 

You know,
RiversZen, we're the place where excuses meet their end. 

At RiversZen, we're not about nurturing illusions.

We cater to those ready to put in the work and defy the typical aging process. 

We don't pander to egos. We dismantle them and rebuild them from a foundation of discipline and real results. 

Are you ready to stop fooling around? 

Join us

 if you're ready to do the work, not just talk about it. 

Trade in your social media boasts for genuine sweat and achievement. 

Remember, your workout shouldn't be an opportunity to impress others. It's your chance to challenge yourself. 

So drop the act, lace up your sneakers, and show up. 

Really show up.

Your true potential awaits. 

And trust me, it's a lot more rewarding than any online applause. 

That's it. 

Just do it. 

Move well. Stay healthy. Be happy. 

Live every single day filled with passion.